Monday 1 March 2010

Prelim task filming.

Today Monday 1st March pur group, started and we believe to of finished all the shots needed for the prelim. It was a very long day and took longer than we expected, from 2pm (ish) to 6pm. We did all the filming in the empty shop we had permission to use. We tried to keep as much to the story board as we could but as we filmed in a different location to where we had created our storyboard, we had both more and less chance to do a complete shot, For example there was a hole in 2nd floor what looked over the turn in the stair case, we didnt have this on the storyboard but only being there gave us the idea we could use that. Although the task states we do the 3 things, we wanted to bulk it out a bit, give it a bit more of a story, with a good mise-en-scene.

Improvements needed for final task:

As the camera ran out of battery half way through although fully charged the night before, we were lucky enough to be in a suitable location to connect the wire up (although the sockets didnt actually work in the shop so just went and charge it up in a local shop for a bit, we need to take into consideration this might not be so convenient in our final piece, so we'll have to bare this in mind.

Script: We had roughly gone through what could be said, but hadnt really got a final decision until when we came to film it and even then with the battery on the low we rushed the conversation part with the shot reverse shot sequence and only had very few lines, if we are going to have a conversation in our final we may need to improve on that. We also spent alot of time on the extra bits like walking up stairs, we maybe should of filmed the priority bits first.

Lighting: We started filming at 2pm, on a bright sunny day and ended filming with lamp posts starting to light up. Luckily as we were inside and had managed for the majority of it to keep the natural light from the windows out of the shot. We had aimed to make it gloomy, and mysterious and from watching it on the camera screen we seemed to of managed that. But again we have to take into mind we might not have the luxury of avoiding several days of filming, where lighting and weather is different which could potentially ruining scenes.

Music: Before and even now we havent decided on music, we're hoping the final edit will help inspire us to find the right music or even if we need it. In the filming we largely used the sound of diagetic sound, mainly being the footsteps, and the sound of doors.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We are currently planning a storyboard for our preliminary task where we are experimenting with different shot types and camera angles for example, pull shots, long shots etc. We hope to begin filming sometime in the near future and we will try to make our short film as interesting as possible.

media studies courses