Sunday 14 March 2010

Final film IDEA.

Ok literally in the last few minutes. The group have come up with a good solid idea. With the use of facebook, we managed to expand on an initial idea. Ok basically our dilemma before is what could cause a chase sequence. Basically I will just sum it up..

Guy thrown in boot of car, car boot closed.
Driving somwhere (whether we show this)
Car stops
one of the gang open the boot thinking that the guy is still tied up
Guy in boot knocks this person out the way, gang member falls on the floor and shouts to get the attention of the others, seeing the guy escaping causing a chase... possibly through woods.

Only thing we havent decided is how our 2 mins will end, maybe with it somehow going to a black out, whether he escaopes or gets caught again is to be decided... also a synopsis of the whole film is needed.

We were ahead of the class now were not so much, we must get ahead again :) so competitive.

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