Friday 19 March 2010

The group is having several hiccups, with disowning ideas which we originally thought were good, today in the double lesson, The 3 of us were in disagreement probably more to the fact that we werent getting each others ideas... So we all did our own story board for our idea...
My idea was we see torch lights in the wood, first coming towards the camera, then we see the main character, we see them clearly looking for something, and it goes back and fourth between an Interrogation in a room, where it shows it links with voice overs like.. "I'm not telling you anything!" over the shot of them looking and "Where is it?". I was thinking that it was MI5 looking for something and this person was withholding it from them, which would be the story line throughout the film, them trying to find it, with side stories aswell, like relationships, but clearly we don't need to show that in the 2 minutes..

Below I have uploaded a quick video I did to demonstrate my idea as much as I could with just me being the camera man and the actor.. It would be alot shorter, I only tried to edit the light transition, with more time and better filming I could do a lot better but its just an idea.


The video basically shows the light coming towards the camera, we then see me, a bit of mucking about with the light, then I tried to go into the light of the torch and out through the light in my room on to a computer, It doesnt quite work but it could with more work and filming.

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