Wednesday 3 March 2010

Prelim Task Editing.

In Tuesdays 1 hour lesson, the group and I started editing our clips, we started by getting rid of the clips we were defiantly not going to keep, this is when it hit me why I ached so much after the filming, I must of went up the stairs 10's of times, not including practising, not on film and going back down them to do it all over again. Our editing was very basic, with just trimming and moving clips so didnt find any problems. Today (Wednesday) the group used our morning free to finish editing, the time was used to put the clips in right order and to fine tune the timings, this had to be done well, as the footsteps had to work with each other, and to make the change in shots more smoother. We also added our favorite bits, the out takes at the end to make the titles (names) more interesting. We finally finished editing which probably took just under 2 hours, this is when we came to our main problem it wouldn't seem to let us export the file to an external harddrive, we did finally manage this but only on to a memory stick, we may have to figure how to do it properly for next time.v

Our film currently doesnt have music as we cant figure out what will suit it, or if it even needs any.. we may look into this for tomorrows lesson.

I also took some time this evening to make some extra titles for the beginning of the film, like 'pixar' or 'dreamworks' to make it look slightly more proffesional, I did this on adobe after effects with help from tutorials from

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