Sunday 14 March 2010

Planning For final task.

The group have been trying to come up with an idea for the final task for quite a while, but we are struggling to come up with a solid idea what will look good. The first 2 minutes of a film need to be exciting to keep the audience engaged. We have an initial idea of a chase scene, which I did last year but never evaluated. Maybe with the use of free runners. But the problem we are facing is how the chase could start without making it look basically ridiculous (thank you Also with a chase scene we may have problems with continuity, e.g random people walking, then change camera and there gone.
Another idea is an escape. But we have nothing concrete yet. But we want to do clever titles instead of just being placed there. I was going to do more research in this post, which would be more specific to our current ideas, but then I shall do it in another post.

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