Wednesday 24 March 2010

Idea Expanded

Wednesdays are good days, 1 lesson and thats General, means a whole school day for media!!

here are my notes I wrote..

- First scene. Girl screaming in darkness, Boy wakes up.
Idea how to do this... Darkness, but can just make out a girl but is not identified, the camera is going in to reveal the face, when suddenly there is bright white light, it only then when it comes into focus that, the audience realize that we're in a different room, and the light is coming from a window. (camera is looking up, and blinks as if eyes) The shot will then change to the boy (Rory) laying on the floor of a dirty place with just a blanket, he then jolts up...shaking and sweating, this dream has been reoccurring to him. He then lays back down and nods off again with the blinking black again...

- Second scene. A chase scence.
Idea to do this... Over the blackness we hear the sounds of running (panting and footsteps) it then leaves the blackness into the chase, Rory is being chased by 3 guys, several locations can be used. During the chase it can go to 'flash back' type shots, ( What Im struggling to explain to my group but... When you're asleep dreams are random and change regularly, sounds what happen while you're asleep can be something else in a dream.. for e.g when the radio goes off, in your dream sometimes it fits in with the dream like it could be music at a disco) We could use this in our film, like The sound of rain outside in a dream could represent someones head being held under water, people banging on the door to get at rory in a dream could be fighting to stop being tied up and getting peoples attention, a door shutting, in a dream could be the boot of a car being slammed shut. What Im suggesting is what the audiences thinks are flash backs are actually what will happen in the film. Like the dream of the girl Rory thinks its his mother who went missing when he was 5, but in fact it could be his girlfriend. but he doesnt know and nor does the audience until its revealed...
So the chase will use many different shots, quick durations to show urgency, makes it exciting.
The 2 mins could end with: Rory thinking he got away from the chasers but in fact when he looks back in front gets smacked and blacks out... title
or.. Him getting to a dead end, with an over the shoulder shot from the attackers...and leave the audience thinking what happens next...
or he could get away.. e.g finding a bike and cycling off into the distance with the chasers chasing the bike for a bit but then giving up and shouting even though hes long gone.

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