Saturday 24 April 2010

Making the titles.

The group and I felt we could make titles more advanced than just placing them on in the video we wanted to make them fit into the scene. In the chase we had several places we could put them, but to make it even more complicated for our selves we wanted them to look like they were like actually on the wall, and that the actors would run past it, in front of them, whereas the titles would normally be in front of the action.

Below is how I set about making the titles.

I used adobe after effects to make the titles, which over the years I have become fairly confident with and can do many professionally looking 'special effects' with, I always seem to be editing film frames by frames this is what we needed for doing the titles. To do the titles I needed, to duplicate the layer ( so that I had 2 of the same video on top of each other, I then needed the text what went in between the 2 video layers, which I made in to a 3d layer. I then had to add a camera layer, what enables the 3d layer to work.

I hopefully have managed to embed a pdf document below with screen shots and more information...

if the embedded code doesnt work, please use the link below, you may need to download the file for better quality..

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