Thursday 8 April 2010

Dvd menu practice

Ok so I had little motivation for revision yesterday, but I knew I had to be productive so, I decided I would try and make a dvd menu for our media practicals...
I used Adobe after effects and Adobe encore to make it.. Here it is..

This is obviously just a video so the menu wont actually work. But with Adobe encore, you can set a point to where it will loop to, so that it will never finish unless you click on one of the buttons, these buttons link to a different place or where you can add another menu. But this was a practice video, so that I could see how to do it, so the video clip I used was just one I had because we havent filmed yet but if I decide to make one for the actual dvd, then I can use a clip from our video and when it freezes I can animate it more, like twitching, flashing etc.

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