Wednesday 21 April 2010

Editing and music

Over the last week we have started and progressed well through editing, we have our shots in a sequence what works well, we have trimmed the clips down. Yesterday we showed the film to our teacher but she had helpful critism for us. For example at the end of the film we had the main character coming out of a phone box being cornered from both sides by the bullies, we used a POV shot, looking both ways at the bullies when doing this a traffic wardern walked past, Ms Parish felt that he could be percieved as a police officer so it was disorientating, as the film ends with the main character getting smacked in the face with a Dlock, this would bring up the question 'why didnt the police officer do anything'.. But fortuantly we had always planned that all the clips would have a back up incase of such problems so we easily worked around this, by just getting rid of this shot and replacing it.

Later on in the day another teacher, Mr Wroe. Said that we need to think about the titles very carefully and how we use them, that they need to have a pulse,a beat. He also said how students often make the mistake of making it look like a tv program rather than the opening 2 minutes of a film and suggested that the ending isnt the black out with the titles as it will look like a short film rather than the opening 2 minutes to a film. This was a very valid point but we think its the best idea and it would easily go to the next scene, like someone waking up, or anything coming out of the darkness, but we cant just end the 2 mins randomly, and we dont have enough time on the film to add anything to the end.

Yesterday we also searched for free copyright free music. On the school media shared area, there was a useful link, which had a great variety of music. We wanted something with a tense, tension building up beat.
We think we have currently found the perfect music which we will play over a constant pulse (heart beat) and slight white noise, which symbolises nothing else matters.

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