Thursday 4 February 2010

How are hospital staff represented in Bodies Essay

Bodies is set in a gynaecology surgical ward which deals with female patients reproductive organs, which in reality the majority of the surgery should be fairly minor as it's a common surgical procedure, but In Bodies all the patients the audience meets have some form of complications. Patient 1 a diabetic having a simple dye procedure to determine why she isn't managing to conceive. This was nearly put into jeopardy when she is moved on the surgical list by phone call from the trainee doctor, this showed incompetence and lack of experience, although the characteristics of this students is similar to those in reality, but its unconventional a list would be checked, lists would be checked thoroughly and shouldn't be left to a student, that notes should be checked with list before any operation, this shows lacks of professionalism throughout.
The doctors are represented as stressed busy employees who are always on their feet, they are also shown to lack emotional care, that it is just a job and that they rely on numbers. For example the old lady is given medicine by Rob Lake, she still clearly is in pain but he just leaves her to attend to another patient, the audience is then reminded for a while of the neglect seemingly shown with the diagetic sound of the agonising groaning from her, when they returned there, Authority was shown when a doctor demanded the nurse to give more medication, and not listening to her, which applies back to earlier when the nurse was not listened to when saying the old lady should not be on the ward, showing the hierarchy effect. When the old lady died no emotion was shown, Lake was seen to have no emotion, that the audience was led to believe he didn't care. This is also empathised with Hurley when patients are still in need and he's presenting at a conference.
The Nurses are shown to be more caring less about finance and figures, they are shown to have lower authority, Bodies shows this with high angle cams looking down on them, whereas low camera angles are used on doctors showing authority and power over the other staff member. Bodies also cleverly using positioning of characters to show this, when doing the rounds, going from patient to patient, a 3 shot is used, where the higher power was the front and more in focus with the least important at the back in less focus. But there are times to where the nurses are shown to lack emotional care as chocolates are gifted, all the nurses stop working and fight over them. Although authority is shown throughout with the doctors being represented as self obsessed selfish ignorant people, we have an emotional scene with the death of the lady who only started off with a bad throat, when in the situation of her failing to breathe, Lake didn't want to perform a life saving procedure because he had never carried it out before, It was only from the determination of the nurse that made him do it.
The student doctor is shown to be lacking in confidence, when the audience first meets her, she is reading a medical dictionary Bodies cleverly uses shaky hand held cameras representing nerves. She is also blamed for the list cock-up, though she's the easy one to blame because of her authority, but she is also shown to not care when she says 'Shit Happens'. The audience expects her to make up for this nearly catastrophic blunder, but instead she slacks off work to go on a date.
All the staff are represented to be under large amounts of stress, with the use of props, music and use of conversations. One of the doctors is shown smoking outside, although doctors know more than most about the risks of smoking this represents the extreme amount of stress, Lake also keeps on insisting to various parties to go to the pub, seemingly these are used to counter the stress. Loneliness also seems to be a common theme throughout, The set and the lighting were gloomy and realistic, when Lake was by himself in the corridor a wide shot expressed the wide open lonely place that the hospital can present. In the sex affair scene, it shows the comfort needed, the depression of the day's events getting at them.
The darkness and seriousness at times broken by comical sequences, the sticky tie, simply wouldn't not happen in reality but shows lacks of professionalism, a 'bad day at the office'. Also a sex questionnaire embeds in a serious conversation about a surgical procedure, Lake keeps a professional manner but in a light mood to keep the other patient at ease.

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