Wednesday 3 February 2010

How are hospital staff represented in Bodies... Notes

Serious Photo, ID Card - Camera medium shot to close up to extreme close up.
Dull Hospital
Serious Music - deep
Rush - Urgency
Stethoscope round necks
Nurses chit chatting away
Registra introduced last
Go from bed to bed
3rd shot - most important to least important, woman at back
training doctor not confident - looking through medical dictionary.
Non diagetic as soon as she makes a mistake - making the audience wonder if it will be corrected before it happens
clean surgery- sterile place
Anathetist not listened to from doctor
student slacking off to dates.
Its just a job to them.
Power Authority- Rude to other staff - emergency ward - rejected handshake
Always moving, always on feet
Old lady still in pain but they just leave her
'Sticky Tie'- unconventional
Nurse trying to move old lady. doctor not listening and doesnt think she should standup against him.
Conference over dealing with patients.
Doctor shows no emotion over death of old lady.
left old lady groaning, to deal with other patients
finances more important- do not want it spent, nurses do.. show nurses are more caring.
Everyone stops working to wat chocolate.
Sex questionaire to break up the tension
Doctor just sitting there as woman cant breathe.
when doctor obeys nurse and does something he hasnt done before, she dies
sex sex scene - needs comforting
after- awakardness, avoiding
show complications with every patient dealt with not conventional.!

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