Sunday 4 October 2009

PIPS - Final peice for Dan Hemmingway Award 2009

This video is what I spent most of my summer doing. I originally wasn't involved in any kind of way. They originally asked for my help because I knew more about the editing program, but then it came apparent to me that they were seriously getting stressed out from using it, so I decided I would do all the coloring for it.
I did this by...
.Duplicating the raw footage to get two layers.
.Tinting (making black and white) the bottom layer.
.Splitting both layers into different parts of the film.

-From now the whole editing would have to be frame by frame (25 frames a second)-
.I masked (drew) round the things what needed to be in colour, + any extra tints if needed.
. Frame by frame there would be slight movement I would have to move the points of the mask to adjust too.

-there was on average 6 masks to edit per a frame-
-Each frame took 5-10 mins-
- I spent 18 hours a day during the summer holiday-
-5 hours during school days-
-It took over 3 months to complete-

You could say it was a Stop motion production. :)

The final edit was done by Robyn and Lily

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