Wednesday 14 October 2009

Lights, Camera, Action, Homework! (Ms Parish)

For my short sequence I have chosen to do an amateur film I know very well, the film I did most of the editing for over the summer. 'PIPS'

Its a short film about a lonely boy and his discovery that he is not alone, and how they influenced the future.

Camera work:
The beginning of the film largely focuses on using Medium range camera shots, this illustrates to the viewing audience that they feel separation from everyone else, loneliness, Individuality that they feel they have to 'keep to themselves' Although it also makes the Audience feel for them, that we the audience can interact with that feeling and just want to tell them 'that its alright, its okay to be different'

Being an amateur made film, the camera shots are done using a tripod and are largely static

During the 'chase sequence' uses quick shots and the use of a wide range of camera shots to show urgency and a quick pace.

The further into the film more short range shots are used, this shows that they are no longer feeling alone and lonely and not feeling so separated from the world, the feeling of happiness that he can finally express himself.

Chris is seen to be ashamed of his differences, he wears minimal colour to avoid standing out too much, he also separates him self from large crowds, which gives the impression of loneliness. Until he sees Esther where he realises hes not alone.

Esther seems more confident in her differences, wears brighter bolder colours expressing her difference to everyone else. Although still seems to strive to go to quiet places, like the park.

The film uses largely non digetic music, the opening scenes used a slow quiet music to strengthen the sense of loneliness, the only bit of digetic sound is of Chris whistling which also reiterates this.

The music for the chase scene gives the sense to the audience that its looking up for Chris, the start of a new way of thinking for chris.

The music after Chris finally catches up shows the pair have finally found happiness.

opening clips show the world in black and white
in the house, The camera centers on Chris to make the viewer focus on him,
He wears little colour so he doesn't stand out.
Green a Lonely colour
Standing out of peoples way until he sees Esther where he realises it ok he can express himself now.
Girl doesn't mind showing individuality
Lonely music at start
Chase music(look up) you get the sense things are starting to look up
After hug, shows happiness..
All non digetic sound apart from the the Digetic audio of The Boy whistling
Boy finally looking Happy
generally Cut just straight to the next shot
Edited frame by frame
Running sequence uses quick shots to show, urgency, rushing
Apple Symbol of unity
the apple discarded shows their individuality and influence being passed on to another Generation (Christina) in the future.
Separates 'Time' with worded titles.
Faded transition to eyes to show 'the change'
Happy walking
medium camera distance when in house shows separation from the audience and Loneliness
walking by road single camera useage shows hes trying to break the barrier but he can only get to a medium distance away from everyone else
Largely uses medium shots throughout to show individuality and separation from everyone else
Amateurish filming faults
Zooming too fast and smooth,although only used to set the scene and to move onto next scene.
Little range of camera shots used
Some shot durations are too long
Largely static camera work
too many medium shots

Coheed & Cambria
Tamacun - Rodrigo y Gabriella
Feels Like Home - Newton Faulkner

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