Sunday 13 September 2009

Eastenders Values (Homework for Ms Baird)

Values of Eastenders

Aired: Monday 7th September

Father has taken his wife jewelery (I’m guessing) to sell to pay off debts, several scenes point to the fact he has taken it secretly. E.g. Hiding it as soon as his son comes to talk to him. This being a moral issue, as would people go as far to pay off their debts by stealing from their own family, or would they find another way, or at least talk to the wife.

Ex husband (Ricky) risks his neck to bring back ‘on the run’ ex wife (Sam) from Brazil, although the woman’s brother (Phil) is Unhappy and furious as he only sent Ricky to give her some money, not too bring her back, she has come back, even with a warrant for her arrest.-conflicting of morals

Ricky is flirting with ex wife (Sam) in front of current wife/girlfriend, Ex wife (Sam) also appears to be trying to make current Ricky’s current wife Jealous.

Teenager going through, (Sam’s) underwear, Teens legal (Billy) guardian tells him to stop, Sam conflicts that and gives a pair to the teenager.

Ricky chooses to drink out with Sam rather than go to his own Childs birthday party, which the child has been looking forward to.

On the run from the police Sam, seems content on revealing her whereabouts, by disobeying brother Phil and making herself publicly know, potentially landing the whole family in trouble for ‘withholding information from the police’

1 comment:

Mrs B said...

Hi Matty,

Some great stuff here. I like your item that represents you (Mrs Paris). You summarise the episode of EE well, but what are the VALUES we see? Please add more. Good start.

Mrs B and Mrs P