Wednesday 4 November 2009

Linotype - Ms Parish


First produced by Ottmar Mergenthaler in 1886.the Linotype was 2.1 m tall.
Keystrokes retrieved letter molds from the magazines. The machine poured molten type metal, which is a lead alloy, into the molds, producing a complete line of type in reverse, so it would read properly when used to transfer ink onto paper. The molds were then assembled by hand onto a page.

The machines are so noisy that Linotype operators are known for their bad hearing. The "hot type" method of printing is virtually extinct today, replaced first by "cold type", in which lines of type were generated by computerized printers and pasted onto large paper "flats" by hand, and then by pagination and desktop publishing systems in which the entire page is created in the computer and produced in press-ready form. The Linotype may be best remembered for the layout of its keyboard, which had letters arranged in decreasing order of frequency in everyday English. The first two rows were usually ETAOIN SHRDLU, a phrase that occasionally appeared in print because Linotype operators who made mistakes would run their fingers down the keyboard to fill out the line with nonsense, and sometimes the slug of type would accidentally get used. This phrase is in the Oxford English Dictionary and has been used as a character name by a number of authors.

1 comment:

Pierre Marshall said...

A thoroughly interesting read. Thanks!